The Boho Lure…

Hello Everyone!

I should never have taken the turn into my local Shopping Centre on my way home this evening. I had a moment of weakness: it appears I’m trying to push my crisps, chocolate, fast food etc addiction onto another addiction: shopping. I figured I would just go to look around a little: shopping is my cardio after all, I thought it would lose me a pound or two. Never did I realise I should be losing more than a couple ;).

Once done scouring the shoes, purses, handbags, clothes and accessories, I decided to take a trip to the WHSmiths.

This is where I was confronted by my constant dilemma. The pull of the bohemian print. What is it about a bohemian print that draws me in? Just when I think I’m done with it and I’m sticking to a Filofax that portrays ME, I’m confronted with a dozen of bohemian prints and a million ideas!

And so, my go-to bohemian Filofax, my ever trusty Osterley, is beckoning me to play once more. *sigh*. What is a girl to do?


Should I go back to my bohemian roots or stick it out with the boudoir colours?!



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