
Hi Peeps!

The last couple of weeks I’ve been noticing the word FiloRAK being bounced around.  First I thought it was nothing, maybe a spelling mistake or something, until it was literally spelled out to me; a Random Act Of Kindness – Filofax styleee!  Oh how excited I got!

Tonight I sent a request to be added to the facebook page because I love making little bits and bobs, and I have sooooooooo much stationery now (washi tape, cardstock, stuff that I’ve made previously that has ended up just sitting in my little hat box waiting for their turn in my Filofax but never got their chance, random little inserts etc…)  I WANT TO GIVE A RAK!

Course, I’ve no idea how this happens etc, but hey ho…

Someone please fill this clueless girl in 🙂

Lots of love



PS if anyone wants to FiloRAK me a Personal Ivory Deco or a Personal Orange Osterley I shall love love love love love you forever…. 🙂 nudge nudge, wink wink 😉

11 thoughts on “FiloRAK?

  1. I think Anyone on the filorak group would be happy to receive any of your wonderful ness 🙂 especially a newbie like you*hint hint*

    • Hehe Rosie Ellen I shall make up a little Jiffy bag of goodies for you over the next couple of days how does that sound? Email me your address and I’ll get it posted out to you 🙂

      • Are you sure? 🙂 what’s your email? Are you part of the filorak Facebook group!(:

      • Hi Rosie

        You can email me at

        I’m absolutely sure… I’ve got a few bits and bobs lying about that I’ve never used and I know they should go to a better home 🙂 email me and I’ll give you some more detail etc (I’ve never done this before so bear with me 😉 )

        I joined the Filorak group today: Kel Stokes is my name 🙂

        Much love



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