Filofax Keeping Me Grounded – Project Kel Is GO!

Hi Everyone!

The last few weeks I’ve been on a bit of a downer, and this little depressive dip was just enough to actually keep me in pyjama’s and bedridden almost for the last week. I’ve done nothing. No cleaning (shocker!) no organising (shocker!) no smiling. I wanted the would to fade away and let me curl up in a ball. I ate takeaway after takeaway, ordered in my shopping consisting of fizzy drinks, alcohol, biscuits, crisps, chocolate… you name it, everything I shouldn’t do is on there.

As a result, you can imagine I feel even worse!

Anyway, this realisation came to me on Saturday night while talking with my Australian Skypefriend Zoe about Luke leaving for Australia (which is happening today, sigh) and she crazily suggested I ought to visit her sometime soon. I’ll admit, I’m tempted!

While I was thinking about being tempted, I thought to myself; If I was going to visit Zoe I’d need a beach perfect bod!

Looking down at my junk food ridden body that I was letting go of slightly, I thought “it’s time to whup myself into shape again and develop some good habits ready to show Luke what he’s been missing!”

Course, it’s not all for Luke, I mean, I’m using that as some sort of purpose, you know? I have Christmas around the corner and I need to get into that perfect little black dress again, and then in the summer I have my parents 25th wedding anniversary party to attend where I am to wear an extremely tight Alice’s Boutique dress, so it’s important that I look my best!

I looked into getting back to Bellydancing, but it’s not widely recognised over here. I looked into going back to my old gym, but it’s all about spinning and weights there. I knew I wanted to do something feminine, rhythmic, dance-orientated, flowing etc.

Then I looked at the fitness regime of a slender inspiration of mine, don’t judge me on this – Cheryl Cole. I remember reading an article regarding her dramatic weight loss once, stating she was over 9 stone (which I personally consider to be a healthy weight!) in the early days of Girls Aloud. She didn’t feel happy wherefore she switched to a portion of Chicken and Rice for one of her meals every day. The girls had a professional trainer come in to sort them out etc… and now according to this article: she uses the Tracy Anderson Method DVD’s when she is not training on her own dance moves or attending Tracy Anderson Classes.

So last night I downloaded and had a go at the Dance Cardio DVD. It’s going to take me some time to get the Combinations down (I’m still learning Combination 1!) but that’s almost a workout in itself!

I woke up this morning and I ached. I’m still aching now. But I feel as though I’m starting something new, you know? Today marks the first day of Project Kel. Where I will be working on myself (not just working out) to make myself better in mind, body and soul.

And how will I be using my Filofax to do this? Well – to schedule in the ME TIME 🙂 whether it’s time for me to work out or organise appointments to have my teeth whitened or to meditate. It will be used to motivate me when I’m slipping, ready for me to pencil in a new appointment after remembering my goals and the reasons I’m doing this.

Today, I’ve booked my Teeth Whitening Session for Saturday. Which is perfect as I am beginning my new job on the Monday.

And now I feel motivated, what else can I book…!!



How are you using your Filofax to motivate you?

Much Love

