Filofax – Project Kel Week 2 Complete

Good evening all!

Project Kel week 2 is over and done with. As it was my first week in my new job, I thought it was only fitting to devote week 2 to my “career”. I had no choice: work certainly took over my week and I’ve learned SOOOOO much! I’m scared that I’ll walk into work tomorrow and forget what I’ve learned already! I’m also so conscious that I may accidentally drive to my old work if I switch to autopilot in the morning!

So the last week has been very tiring and draining for me even though it looks like I didn’t do much else.

I “treated” myself as I am going through my healing process: Friday night I allowed myself to accept a date. It was a lovely evening, but it also sort of made me confirm to myself I have a way to go before I am really ready, you know?

However, Saturday night (last night) I really allowed myself to let my hair down, mingled with some new people and bumped into some old work colleagues from about 12 years ago. Partied hard for a friends birthday and consumed far too much alcohol!

Between partying and working, I did manage to fit in a bit of exercise. I’m trying Tracy Shaw’s Salsacise (an old DVD I purchased about 10 years ago) and I actually really enjoy it for some reason.


I’ve been working with Daisy the Deco for just under a week and I’m loving it. My new co-worker noticed it immediately as I pulled it out on the 2nd day of work. “Look at you with your filofax!” She smiled before proceeding to tell me she was secretly almost as organised as I am, and just as “decorative”. By which, she means she highlights everything. EVERYTHING!

Now, I have a little treat for all you Planner Investigators.  You may or may not be aware that I have been pretty much obsessed with the Sex and the City TV Series – which I had not realised was so addictive until August this year.  I have actually watched half a series in one sitting once… whoops!  I’m now finally on series 6 (what am I going to do when it’s finished??!) and today I spotted our favourite PR lady Samantha Jones whip out an organiser (I’d seen another planner of hers in an earlier series but I wasn’t in any mood that day to take some screenshots haha).  I’m not sure what planner make and model it is, but here are some screenshots anyway… enjoy!

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That’s a Post-It Overload!

Anyhow, best be off to get my head down ready for my working week!

Stay organised, be creative and enjoy yourselves!  Until next time…

