Filofax: Project Kel Week 2 is Go!

Hi everyone!

Last week it was my last week at my old job as I began a new one today. Last week was also the beginning of “Project Kel”. Here is what’s happened so far:

Working on my external self last week-

(1) had a luxury facial
(2) began a course of microdermabrasion
(3) began taking Biotin
(4) started using FAST hair shampoo & conditioner
(5) tried the Tracy Anderson Workout Method
(6) had my teeth whitened

Looking at it like that, my week was pretty good! I was off to a flying start!


As you can see, Monday was a sad day for me so it was really important that I was kept busy for the rest of the week. I won’t lie, it’s been really hard and I’m still feeling very empty and lost. To make up for it I think I’ve blown a good proportion of my savings on shopping and making me feel at least 10% human!

This week it’s all about work as I begin my new job. I still have that slight limbo feeling, probably because its going to take some time to adjust and settle in.

So there we have it… Oh, and I have something yummy coming my way tomorrow that cheered me up no end last week: and boy did I need it!

I shall reveal more tomorrow 🙂

Keep plugging on Peeps…
